01 A P P R O A C H
A creative and innovative approach by being pro-active, open-minded and flexible.
02 E X P E R I E N C E
With over 30 years experience we have a proven track record and have developed focused strategies, contracting, detailed sales and marketing plans, in-depth budgets, advertising campaigns, website development and brochure design.
03 M A R K E T K N O W L E D G E
We have excellent market knowledge and contacts in the United Kingdom, Europe, Russia, Middle East, South America and the United States.
04 E X P E R T I S E
Our expertise lies with luxury resorts and hotels within the Indian Ocean, Far East, Middle East, Caribbean and Europe.
05 N E T W O R K
We have a worldwide database of over 5,000 within the travel trade, airlines, tourist boards and corporations.
06 R E L A T I O N S H I P
With over 25 years experience we have a proven track record and have developed focused strategies, contracting, detailed sales and marketing plans, in-depth budgets, advertising campaigns, website development and brochure design.
07 F R E Q U E N C Y
We believe in verbally speaking to our key partners. We believe in frequent contact and constant networking to ensure your brand is continuously on their minds.
08 P A S S I O N
We love what we do, so it’s easy for us to be passionate about travel. It’s as simple as that.
09 P A R T N E R S H I P
We consider you to be a partner, not just as a client.
10 C O S T E F F E C T I V E N E S S
We provide cost effective marketing by working with key accounts and luxury brand partners.